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European produce

From: Stig Sandbeck Mathisen <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Re: Get out the Goat and the candles
Date: 28 Apr 1998 23:16:33 +0200

Jan Ingvoldstad <[email protected]> writes:

> | The perfect machine (TM) is big, has grinding teeth, and eats
> | lusers.
> But everybody knows that The Perfect Machine (TM) (with or without the
> capital letters) _does not exist_.
> So there.


You haven't seen my perfect machine (TM), to you it therefore doesn't
exist, and please ignore the clanging sound behind you.

So there.

 SSM - Stig Sandbeck Mathisen
  Trust the Computer, the Computer is your Friend
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