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Re: Java & Perl which run faster on Unix? (fwd)

From: Jonathan Feinberg <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: Java & Perl  which run faster on Unix?
Date: 05 Mar 1998 02:15:17 -0500

"Collier Cheng" <[email protected]> writes:

> Java and Perl ...........Which run faster on Unix?

Well, I ran a benchmark.  Here are the results:

Java                                           | 
Perl                                           |
         at t=0 they are even

     Java                                      |
   Perl                                        |
         at t=1, Java is hot out of the gate

       Java                                    |
       Perl                                    |
         but Perl is a fighter at t=2!

             Java                              |                    
                    Perl                       |
         things look not so good for Java

                       Java                    |
                                    Perl       |
         it's all over but the shouting...

                           vJaa                |
         oh dear, Java crashed your newsreader

Jonathan Feinberg   [email protected]   Sunny Brooklyn, NY
This is his brain on no sleep.  Any questions?
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