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For you roleplayers out there... (fwd)

Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
From: [email protected] (Jacob Mandelson)
Subject: For you roleplayers out there...
Date: Wed, 4 Mar 98 19:30:03 EST

Top 10 things you don't want to hear your mage say in battle.

10)  "Is it virgin's tears and dragon's blood, or dragon's tears and
        virgin's blood?  Maybe the dragon was a virgin.."
9)  "Hmm...is this the recipe for a Potion of Healing, or for Chile Con Carne?"
8)  "Oh, oh, oh, oh!  That wand of cold balls -didn't- do what I expected."
7)  "By any chance, have you seen a summoned 9th order fire elemental
        wandering around?  No?  Oh..  Tell me if you do."
6)  "It's supposed to have five points?"
5)  "My familiar will take care of that dragon!  Sic 'em, Fifi!"
4)  "What kind of cheap, wussyarse excuse for a djinn only gives one
        wish?  Oh, he's still here..."
3)  "Eennie, meenie, miny, moe..  Which end points toward the foe?"
2)  "Damn.  I knew I should have used Energizers in this thing."

And, the number one thing you don't want to hear from your mage..

1)  "Oops..."

Selected by Jim Griffith.  MAIL your joke to [email protected].
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

Remember: PLEASE spell check and proofread your jokes.  You think I have
time to hand-correct everybody's postings? For the full submission guidelines,
see http://comedy.clari.net/rhf/

This joke's link: http://comedy.clari.net/rhf/jokes/98/Mar/badmage.html
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