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NT, X11, and other computing disasters (was Re: Anti-advocacy)

Here is a fun and highly opinionated message:

> From: Sam Krishna <[email protected]>
> � wrote:
> > 
> > The rules are simple: Everyone post an article explaining why their
> > _favorite_ platform sucks. You can not bash someone else's favorite
> > platform. That is what always happens, anyway. 
> In my last post, I dissed on NEXTSTEP/OPENSTEP... here's my other OS
> (Windows NT)...
> ---)  Gotta reboot for every little change
> Everyone knows what I mean.  You install something.. you reboot.  You
> remove something, you reboot.  You use something, you reboot.  I work as
> a C++ deverper at IBM, and I can't get decent performance from the
> compiler after the second or third day that a system is up (and this is
> on a system with 128MB of RAM!!!).  
> ---)  The federal disaster area called "The Registry"
> Some enterprising book publishers have books on the damn thing!  Why on
> earth is there such a thing as a registry, in the first place!!!!  FEMA
> should declare it a software disaster and ban it from public use.
> ---)  No real object model. (Part I)
> There.  I've said it.  You cannot drag and drop whatever the hell you
> want.  On Lotus Notes, I have to use some stupid drop-menu to select the
> "Attach File" option and then go look for the "friggin" file (sorry,
> John Kheit, for ripping off your patented "friggin" word.)
> There is no real drag-n-drop service at a system level that other apps
> can call it (at least as it looks from here).  Feel free to correct me
> if I'm wrong.
> ---) No real object model (part II)
> The way things seem to work (compared to NEXTSTEP's implementation) is a
> disaster only rivaled by that monstrosity called X11.  I've sometimes
> created shortcuts that have deleted the files they were pointing to!!!! 
> Nothing really talks to each other (unless they are M$'s own apps, and
> even they don't do that very well).  COM/OLE/ActiveX is a disaster. 
> Don't pretend otherwise.
> ---)  No real object model (part III) (AKA the disaster called MFC)
> Has anyone taken a look at the number of books that go into the core MFC
> library from M$Press??  6-8 books!!! What is that about?  I had a friend
> who said they were powerful.  I did everything I could to control
> laughing at him!  M$ is still stuck in that procedural code-generation
> way of thinking as far as all their stuff goes.  People complain about
> UNIX... let me tell you something, buddy.... UNIX with all its APIs
> (take it system by system) has nothing on Win32/MFC.
> ---)  Poor multithreading
> From what I understand (and perhaps I will get this wrong),
> multithreading is a huge key to making an OS multitasking.  Well, I
> think NT's multithreading implementation sucks.  There - I've said it.
> ---)  Tying the shell to Internet Explorer 4.0
> That's a technical disaster in the making.  When explorer goes down, so
> goeth the system (for at least a few seconds, anyway).  If M$ is going
> to integrate it (and they can if they feel like it), please make it
> bug-free (oh, I forgot... Bill Gates is running Microsoft).  Oh Well.
> ---)  Drive letter anachronisms
> Drive letters should be assigned to the dustbin of history, yet for some
> reason M$ can't figure out how to do it (who says they hire the smartest
> people in the world?).
> ---) No real plug'n'play
> You know what I'm talking about.
> ---)  IRQ hell
> Why the heck do IRQs still exist?
> ---)  poor device driver support
> NT has decent and *slow* device drivers.  I'd like to see M$, with all
> the power they wield, lean on their 3rd-party hardware vendors to
> produce better and faster device drivers.  Maybe they aren't that
> powerful....
> ---)  Slow, slower, and slowest.
> Non-Windows users don't call it "Windoze" for nothing.
> ---) Dirty Window Server
> Whenever I drag a full window (a non-ghosting one) around the screen, I
> always get a funky "trail" image that follows it for a split second. 
> I'm sure that bug will always be with us b/c of M$'s poor QA work on
> their code.
> ---)  Chickensh** DOJ and Anne Bingaman (What????)
> Yes, I blame the DOJ for this montrosity called Windows.  If Anne
> Bingaman (Deputy Attn. Gen. who ran DOJ investigation that produced
> famous consent decree) had had the guts and not settled with M$ like she
> did, but instead had gone for the full kahuna....
> Recap:  Micro$oft had forced all OEMs who had DOS deals with them to pay
> M$ for every machine they shipped, *regardless* of whether it shipped
> with DOS or not.  DOJ would have been in their rights to force M$ to
> return all that money (since it was acquired illegally (I don't care
> what contract law says)) that was paid to them by OEMs (around $8
> billion, I think).  It would have been the right thing to do and it
> would have broken M$ back and prevented Bill from mocking DOJ consent
> decree.
> ---) Microsoft Corporation
> "They just don't have any taste." - Steve Jobs, 1996 (Triumph of the
> Nerds).
> No QA.  No original thought.  No innovation.  Gangsta-like marketing
> tactics.  You tell me what's to like (other than an abundance of apps
> that don't don't properly work).
> Sam Krishna
> ...who doesn't speak for IBM...

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Cornell University

There is no such thing as a useless feature, only computers too slow to deal with them. - Nathan Hughes
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