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[rec.arts.comics.misc] PHYSICS: Is lavatory destruction really possible?

On 10 Sep 1997 21:56:01 -0700, in alt.humor.best-of-usenet The Great and
Powerful Danny Sichel <[email protected]> wrote:

>Subject: PHYSICS: Is lavatory destruction really possible? 
>From: Jim Smith <[email protected]>
>Newsgroups: rec.arts.comics.misc
>Inspired by the recent "Hulk-jump" thread, I propose this question, which
>has long burned in my mind:
>Can super-speedsters force the fluid out of their urinary bladders so
>quickly that they can, in effect, create a nigh-irresistable column of pur
>pee-pee?  Or, to put it in othe terms, can the Flash punch a hole in a
>urinal simply by doing his business in a reeeeal big hurry?
>I ask this mainly to see if the usual strings of dynamic motion dialogue
>is used to respond.  I can't wait to see how "F=ma," "d=v/t," and
>"assuming no wind resistance and a flat earth" come into play...
>Jim "And could Flash defeat the Juggernaut in this way?" Smith
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