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[alt.folklore.computers, ...] YKYBHTY2KPTLW

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From: Greg Berigan <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.sys.pdp10,alt.folklore.computers,comp.sys.dec.micro
Subject: YKYBHTY2KPTLW (was: Re: Dec 40th anniversary web pages)
Followup-To: alt.folklore.computers
Date: 4 Sep 1997 04:13:56 GMT

You Know You've Been Hacking The Year 2000 Problem Too Long When:

* you see the subject "Dec 40th anniversary web pages" and think:

"In technology news, due to delays in updating their computers, the US
 Government has added yet another day to the month of December 1999:
 December 40th, to further forestall the failure of federal computer
 systems.  The new December 40th will start at midnight tonight and will
 be followed by January 10th, 2000, barring another extension.

 In other news, the population density in Times Square continues to
 increase as revellers in the longest ever New Year's Eve party
 continue to wait for the apple to drop from its orbital tether, even as
 more people are taken from the scene and hospitalized for acute alcohol
 poisoning.  As yet there appears to be no end in sight."

No, wait, that's "You Know The Caffeine You've Taken During The Day Has
Finally Caught Up To You When...."

         _-<#)-=###* http://cse.unl.edu/~gberigan/War-of-the-Worlds/
  _-~_--<###)     Due to widespread abuse, I no longer read any messages
<~c>' __--<      from users who employ munged addresses in their headers.
 \_--=____#)   "We've upped our standards, so up yours." -- Pat Paulsen '88
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