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Way to go Apple.

I wrote:

In article <[email protected]>
[email protected] (Steve Schmidt) writes:

> In article <[email protected]>,
> [email protected] (Eric Remy) wrote:
> > Hey Apple, can you guys screw up any more?!
> >
> Don't ask, you won't like the answer. ;-)


Apple could build DOS cards into all its machines and charge a ridiculous
amount for them.
Apple could make Internet Explorer the default web browser on its OS
(ooops--they already did that one).
Apple could charge NeXT-like purchase prices for Rhapsody.
Apple could kill OpenDoc and go for an inferior Jobs-approved solution
instead (ooops again).
Apple could kill the blue box because "MacOS has legs" and of couse
everyone's going to port software to Rhapsody anyway, so who needs
Apple could rely on the same motherboard design for over two years while
the rest of the industry moves on (ooops again).
Apple could ignore it's massive internal problems and blame clone makers
for failing to capture the same market share that Apple itself has
consistently failed to capture (ooops).
Apple could allow important strategic decisions to be made while it lacks a
real CEO, and these decisions might be made by someone who has continually
and publicly stated that he has no interest in running Apple (ooops and go

So while it looks like Apple has already made most of the available
mistakes, there are still a few left.  Since nobody from Apple other than
software engineers like Dave McCusker and Maynard Handley seem to read this
newsgroup, if they promise to keep quiet to their administrative coworkers
we can see whether Apple will discover these possibilities on its own.

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
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Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not
sure about the former. -Albert Einstein

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