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Re: Wheel Truing: I'm looking for a website on the subject to learn from.

On 3 Sep 1997 09:31:23 GMT, in rec.bicycles.tech [email protected]
(Johannes Schoon) wrote:

>jose ([email protected]) wrote:
>: Who knows, if there's enough demand, Jobst might come up with a web-version
>: of his book...
>Cool, you click a spoke, and in quadrophonic sound your multimedia PC
>booms "No, don't tighten this spoke yet." and a java applet displays
>an animation of a rim distorting into a figure 8. By the time this is
>finished, you have trued the wheel using the book.
>Johannes Schoeoen
>"master of research under the event horizon"
>(No matter how much work you throw in, nothing ever comes out.)
>dept. of Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering
>Chalmers University of Technology, Gothenburg, Sweden

Gregory S. Sutter                            "How do I read this file?"
[email protected]                            "You uudecode it."
http://www.pobox.com/~gsutter/               "I I I decode it?"
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