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Re: Deleting LINUX partition? (fwd)

this is a good one

Pete Fritchman             [email protected]
Netreach                     www.netreach.net
System Administrator

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 10 Aug 1999 22:18:15 -0700
From: Brian <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.os.linux.slackware
Subject: Re: Deleting LINUX partition?

I'm sorry.

It's already too late.

Even in it's ISO filesystem, Slackware Linux is already screwing it's way
into the very heart and soul of you HDs.

Once installed, Linux BURNS a tattoo into the metal film of the spinning
disks, impermiable even after exposure to temperatures exceeding those found
in the very core of our Sun (not the computer company SUN).

Once installed on the computer, it will spread thoughout the household
infecting VCRs (Do I mount=/dev/terminator2 ), microwaves (grep 5min
steak-pie) even the household blender (append milk icecream).

Suddenly, perhaps in your sleep, perhaps in a moment of clarity, the Cosmic
Penquin will visit you and place upon you and your household the blessing of
beauty, power, reliability and utility. You will then be one of millions
converted to the code of our fearless leader, Linux Torvalds.

Any attempt to remove Linux from any of your equipment will mean the
immediate action of a Linux Intervention Team - a group of tough love hard
hitting members who will bring you back with tales of meaningless Windows
error messages, long periods of complete silence staring at blue screens,
hours of Muzac entering just one ear simulating the telephone help lines at
Microsoft and finally stunning you with the horror (simulated of course) of
trying to install W2000 over an exisiting W98 system.

Once reason has returned, you will then be told of the latest kernel that
has just been released and wouldn't you just love to have a little look at
the changelog?

You belong to us.

Best regards,


Koffeelk wrote in message <[email protected]>...
>I just downloaded the ISO for Slack 4.0 and am now kinda scared of the
>long term affects it may have on my HDD.  A self-professed Redhat guru
>told me it is *very* difficult to remove the LINUX file system from a
>HDD if you want to go back to NTFS/FAT.
>What should I do to prevent a partition from becoming permanently
>BTW, I'm hoping I won't need to remove it.  I just would like to know
>I can change it back from time to time...
>Thanks again,
>Koff in Texas
>please remove the T in Koffeelk to reply directly.

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