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How to save Microsoft

Jesse Berst is not usually known for his wonderful humor, but the following
excerpt from his current column is mildly amusing:

What does Microsoft really need to do to get back on top again? Oh, let's
brainstorm. Here is my starter kit of ideas:

* Merge with cigarette maker Philip Morris and put its powerful,
well-connected, and soon-to-be unemployed tobacco industry lobbyists to
work in the software biz.

*Hire those cigarette researchers to produce some more "independent"
studies -- this time declaring Microsoft healthy for America.

*Launch a campaign to kick Utah out of the union. And with it,
Microsoft-hater Orrin Hatch and competitor Novell.

Eric Bennett (http://www.pobox.com/~ericb/), Cornell Biochemistry Department

Delaying [Windows 98's] release can't possibly stall innovation, if it
contains none.
-Ryan Gray

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