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Microsoft admits "Tens of thousands of bugs" in NT 4.0 (was Re: Microsoft wants to be the only key player...)

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In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] (John Nagle) wrote:

>      Actually, NT 3.51 Service Pack 5 is quite stable.  But all the
> versions of NT 4 suck, each in different ways.  NT users wait for
> the mythical NT 4.0 Service Pack 4, in which Microsoft promised to
> put only fixes, adding no new features.  Each previous Service Pack
> for NT 4.0 added new, broken, features, so no version of NT 4.0 is stable.
> It's been a year now, and still no SP4.  The current target date is 
> reportedly June 1998.
>                                         John Nagle

In that case, you will find the following Microsoft press release
amusing.  In an effort to defuse various studies saying that companies
should concentrate on the year 2000 problem and avoid upgrading to NT 5
until they have dealt with the milennium problem, Microsoft is taking the
strategy of trying to convince people that NT 4 is a *horrible* solution
and that they must upgrade away from it ASAP:

"Windows�NT 5.0 is an evolutionary, not revolutionary, release of the
Windows�NT operating system. While there are important new features in
this release, version 5.0 will build on a proven system architecture and
incorporate tens of thousands of bug fixes from version 4.0."

Ref: http://www.microsoft.com/ntserver/community/y2k.asp?A=7&B=5

This should remind thoughful readers of the comments Gates made after the
introduction of Windows 95.  He told people how Windows 3.1 was a terrible
product that they should discard in favor of Windows 95.  But at least in
that case, Microsoft waited to discredit the previous OS until the new one
shipped.  Not so this time around.

"Tens of thousands of bugs fixes" ?   How big is the NT 4 source?  10
million lines?  If that's about right, and if "tens of thousands" is
20,000, then Microsoft's "stable" and "secure" operating system has one
error in every 500 lines of code.  That's pretty bad!

Eric Bennett (www.pobox.com/~ericb)
Cornell University Biochemistry Department
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