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[[email protected]: I HATE FREEBSD]

(Posted in multipart text and HTML; cleaned up for this forward.)

----- Forwarded message from Matthew Phillips <[email protected]> -----
From: "Matthew Phillips" <[email protected]>
To: <[email protected]>
Cc: "Matthew Phillips" <[email protected]>
Date: Sat, 4 Apr 1998 11:02:41 -0000

Your OS stinks.  I dont even consider it a OS, jsut a messed up dos =
wannabe.  How do you get to the stupid OS anyways.  All I could get to =
was BOOT:  Then what do you put.  Also it wouldnt let me into WIN95 or =
DOS.  I had to call NEC technical support and they told me to repartion =
the Hard Drive.  Then I had to run my product recovery cd where it =
formated the hard drive and brought it back to the original settings.  I =
lost everything I had saved and got off the net.  Thanks alot.  I am =
going to put up your freebsd on my site, but put a sucks across it.  =
I'll spread the word about how BSD sucks

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