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From: Carl Jacobs <"cjacobs"@fallschurch.esys dot com>
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Re: Oh happy day, Version 2.0
Date: Mon, 30 Mar 1998 15:41:29 -0500

Mike.Andrews wrote:

> >        RS6k == RS/6000 == IBM Unix boxes.
> IBYP! IBM boxes, yes. *nix boxes? As implemented by Klingons
> from a description of Unix given by a blind Romulan  with a
> broken translator.

"You cannot truly appreciate *nix source code until you have read it in
the original Klingon..." -Kang

"UNIX?  Of course!  It is a Russian Inwention."  -Pavel Chekov

-Cael, eating spoo.

Carl Jacobs - Software Engineer by title, SysAdmin by fait accompli
Opinions expressed are not those of Raytheon Systems Corporation.
cjacobs at fallschurch.esys.com, darian at widomaker.com  (munged)

"Would you like some spoo?  It's fresh..." -G'kar
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