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(fwd) Sex and Bill Clinton

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Newsgroups: rec.humor.funny
Subject: Sex and Bill Clinton
From: [email protected] (Jafd26)
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 98 3:20:04 EST

'Tis a graahnd and glorious political debate we have going on now in the
U.S. of A.

Half of the country wants to see the President hung.

The other half already has.

Selected by Jim Griffith.  MAIL your joke to [email protected].
Attribute the joke's source if at all possible.  A Daemon will auto-reply.

Do you know about rec.humor.funny.reruns?  It has all the best jokes from
the archives of this group.  RHF does only new material.
See also at http://comedy.clari.net/rhf

This joke's link: http://comedy.clari.net/rhf/jokes/98/Mar/usdebate.html
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