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Re: My first perl program, yippee! (fwd)

The newsgroup comp.lang.perl.misc is in bad shape these days, with
hordes of people posting FAQs instead of spending two minutes to
look up the answer, posting off-charter questions about CGI, posting
badly-formatted articles, and so forth.

------- start of forwarded message -------
From: [email protected] (Jonathan Feinberg)
Newsgroups: comp.lang.perl.misc
Subject: Re: My first perl program, yippee!
Date: Fri, 20 Feb 1998 01:23:52 -0500

[email protected] said...
: This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

No!  *thwap*  Bad!

: Anyone who wants to use this is
: more than welcome, of course :-)
: Matt

*The* Matt?

Well, on to your code:


You really should remember -w.

: CgkkbmFtZT08U1RESU4+Ow0KCWNob21wICRuYW1lOw0KCSRuYW1lID1+IHMvIC8lMjAvZzsN

Good, you're using modules, but what about "use strict;"?

: eW9yXEBkaWFsLnBpcGV4LmNvbSI7DQpwcmludCAiQ29udGVudC10eXBlOiB0ZXh0L2h0bWwi

Why don't you just use "printf?"

: LCJcblxuIjsNCg0KDQoNCiZjaGVja3ZhcmlhYmxlcyAoKTsNCiZwYXJzZV9kYXRhZmlsZSAo

If you're going to autoflush your sockets, remember to spit out "\015\012" 
after all output.


Ha, ha.  Clever hack!

All in all, a tremendous first effort.

Jonathan Feinberg    [email protected]    Sunny Brooklyn, NY
------- end of forwarded message -------
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