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(fwd) Re: Dwn staircase?

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Path: news3.cac.psu.edu!mph124b.rh.psu.edu!gsutter
From: Gregory Sutter <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: rec.games.roguelike.angband
Subject: Re: Dwn staircase?
Date: 5 Feb 1998 09:03:07 GMT
Organization: Zer
Lines: 19
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Elizabeth A. Shack <[email protected]> wrote:
> On Wed, 04 Feb 1998 06:05:37 GMT, [email protected] (Elizabeth A.
> Shack) wrote:

>>Is there anyway t get dwn a staircase withut the greater-than key?  My
>>keybard is brken  

> Never mind!  I discvered the fie with macrs in it is editabe; shud
> have checked that befre

I suggest that yo g t get a new keybard right away.  Nt pssessing a
greater-than key is a rea sin.  I mean, what culd pssiby be wrse than
nt having a _greater-than key_, f a keys, n yur keybard?

Gregory S. Sutter                       "How do I read this file?"
mailto:[email protected]                "You uudecode it."
http://www.pobox.com/~gsutter/          "I I I decode it?"
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Gregory S. Sutter                       "How do I read this file?"
mailto:[email protected]                "You uudecode it."
http://www.pobox.com/~gsutter/          "I I I decode it?"
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