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(fwd) [alt.journalism.gonzo] Queen Mother in Cyborg Shock

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From: John Vogel <[email protected]>
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Subject: [alt.journalism.gonzo] Queen Mother in Cyborg Shock
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Subject: Queen Mother in Cyborg Shock 
From: Olly Johnson <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: alt.journalism.gonzo, alt.obituaries, uk.current-events.general

(Reuters, London)

In an unprecedented statement today, the Royal Family has admitted for the
first time that its longest serving member is in fact a scary robot.

The Queen Mother's hip replacement operation this morning now means that her
entire skeleton has been replaced by metal, covered with a thin layer of
still-living flesh, cultured in large tanks from the buttocks of willing 
unemployed donors in Sunderland. The cyborg requires little in the way of 
maintenance, and is fuelled entirely by 'fuel of the future' ethanol, in the 
ratio of three parts gin to one part tonic water.

"We got the idea when Edward got 'Terminator' out of Blockbuster," admitted
the Queen, 73. "We realised that since my mother is the only thing saving 
the country from a bloody Republican uprising, we ought to make sure she
lived for ever. So long as she doesn't run into Linda Hamilton, or get 
caught in an exploding liquid nitrogen tanker, we'll stay ahead in the polls."

The Queen went on to admit that previous attempts to produce immortal robots
had ended in disaster. "Our scientists had assembled Princess Diana out of
the same materials, but somehow forgot to put the brain in. There was 
clearly something wrong with the construction as well, since she couldn't
survive an impact with a wall. I mean, Arnie survived much worse than that,
even when he was shooting up that police station."

Reports that Prime Minister Tony Blair was a soldier of the future, 
constructed entirely from liquid metal, sent back in time to 'terminate' 
the Queen Mother cannot be confirmed.

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