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Maybe we need to start an mph-distressing list.  The following "news" was
posted on one of the major Mac news pages:

Astrologist Susan Miller has looked at Apple's future ... and finds it
promising. "This is going to be a really good year for Apple," Miller
predicts. "June is going to be a good month for the company. It's going to
get a lot better. I really like what I see."

Miller can be found at Time-Warner's Astrology Zone. The Web site's page
views are now up to 800,000 a month and growing.

I would insult astrologers here, but I suspect they have a better idea of
where Apple is going than does the Apple board of directors.  :-/

Eric Bennett, [email protected], Cornell University Biochemistry Department
http://www.pobox.com/~ericb (Follow "About Me" link for PGP public key.)

Microsoft once declared its goal to be "Windows everywhere." Today
Windows is omnipresent, but everywhere people are whispering, "Maybe
Windows is fundamentally broken."  -Windows Tech Magazine, October 1997

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