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Taking Tests (fwd)

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From: [email protected] (Carl Schelin)
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Taking Tests

I needed to reschedule for a certification test to be taken somewhere
close by so I called the 800 number:

Phone Luser: What day would you like to take the test?

Me: Whatever is soonest.

PL: Okay, how about the 3rd [of Feb]?

Me: Sorry, I'll be in training then, what else is available?

PL: How about Monday?

Me: Monday the what?

PL: 26th [of Jan]?

Me: (pause) Isn't Monday before the 3rd? Ok, Monday is fine.

PL: What time would you like to take the test?

Me: I'm easy, just schedule me and I'll be there.

PL: You have to give me a time.

Me: errr, ok 11:30.

PL: Sorry, all we have is 10:15.

Me: But, but, didn't you just ask me for a time?

aarrrggg. I had to reschedule because the Solaris test I'm taking
is running on a Windows platform, which crashed with a GPF about
30 minutes before I arrived yesterday.

I told them I could fix it but they wouldn't let me near the

Probably a good thing :-)


Carl Schelin                                                          badlife
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