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Re: scripts

On Tue, 9 Dec 1997, Andrew Vardy wrote:

>I looked at your home page.  And on some link, I found a lot of
>information on scripts, and finding some. 

What type of information on scripts did you find on my "home" page?  Is
the link you followed in the same domain and directory as my page?  If
so, please describe the page.  If not, I must sadly question your reason
for sending this mail to me.  Consider this tale, told in a similar
fashion to Aesop's:

A lion, walking through the woods, sees a buswakka bird.  The bird,
recognizing the power of the lion, greets him in a friendly manner.  The
lion returns the greeting, as the bird is not good to eat and was not
rude.  Noting the lion's good mood, the bird offers to stand on Leo's
back and eat flies and mites for a while.  The lion agrees and the bird
gets a meal while also helping the lion.  They then go their separate
ways.  An antelope, who had noted this exchange while hiding in the
bushes, approaches the lion.  The antelope asks the lion, "What is the
name, place of origin, and favorite colour of that buswakka bird?"  The
lion promptly pounced upon the antelope and ate him up.

>I have wondered, what are scripts about?  Unix scripts.  What do they do?
>I have wondered this for a rather long while!

That depends, I suppose, on your definition of "do".  Read them; note
the commands contained within.  Compare and correlate these commands, if
you are able, with commands that may be entered directly at the shell
prompt.  Do you think these commands "do" something?  If so, what?  Do
you think the commands you just entered to read and compare "do"
something?  Are these similar?

>People seem to like them.  And do a lot to make long and complex ones.

That depends, I suppose, on what you consider long and complex.

>But I've never read in any message talking about or presenting one any use
>that seemed interesting.  

That depends, I suppose, on what you find interesting.  I find many
things interesting.  I find automation interesting.

>Is there a script school?  Are they all university students that make
>these things?  If so, where do they find the time?  If not, they must get
>their learning from spontaneous meditation or something.  I'm not a
>programmer.  But if I were.  I wouldn't know the attraction.

I have meditated on your behalf; the UNIX gods have granted you wisdom. 
The next time you sleep, the knowledge will be given unto you.  The next
time you awaken, the knowledge will be yours to access with only a small
mental command.

Please send a money order (no personal cheques, please) to Zot!, care of
Gregory Sutter, [reply for address], USA for the mental command to
access your newfound knowledge.

Gregory S. Sutter                       "How do I read this file?"
mailto:[email protected]                "You uudecode it."
http://www.pobox.com/~gsutter/          "I I I decode it?"

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