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South Park warlord

------- start of forwarded message -------
Newsgroups: alt.fan.warlord,alt.tv.southpark
From: [email protected] (Applet Boy)
Subject: Re: The Alphabet

In article <[email protected]>, RetroBoy <RetroBoy> wrote:
>       0-={ RETROBOY }=-0
>Livin' in the PAST - and LOVIN' it!
>    .- <O> -.        .-====-.      ,-------.      .-=<>=-.
>   /_-\'''/-_\      / / '' \ \     |,-----.|     /__----__\
>  |/  o) (o  \|    | | ')(' | |   /,'-----'.\   |/ (')(') \|
>   \   ._.   /      \ \    / /   {_/(') (')\_}   \   __   /
>   ,>-_,,,_-<.       >'=jf='<     `.   _   .'    ,'--__--'.
> /      .      \    /        \     /'-___-'\    /    :|    \
>(_)     .     (_)  /          \   /         \  (_)   :|   (_)
> \_-----'____--/  (_)        (_) (_)_______(_)   |___:|____|
>  \___________/     |________|     \_______/     |_________|
>"NO kitty! That's MY pot pie!"  -Cartman

Kyle: What the hell is that?
Stan: I don't know dude.
Cartman: The one on the left kinda looks like Tom Cruise
Kenny: Mmmmm mmm mm mm mmmmm mm-mm mmm mm.
[All laugh]
Kyle: I think it's a BUAG.
Cartman: Goddamit, BUAGs piss me off. Like when they come into your room in
         the middle of the night, and say "Don't worry, this won't hurt a bit"
         and flip you on your stomach and put Barbie dolls up your rectum.
Stan: What the hell are you talking about, Cartman?
Cartman: You know: BUAGs.
Kyle: Cartman, BUAGs are Big Ugly Ascii Graphics.
Cartman: Oh, BAUGs!
Stan: What were you talking about?
Cartman: Nothing!
Kyle: No really, Cartman, what comes into your room in the middle of the night.
Kenny: Mmm mmm mm mmm mmm mm.
Carman: NOTHING!
Stan: Dude, that sig isn't even McQ.
Kyle: What are we going to do about it.
Cartman: Why don't we tell it to go back to China like all the other sigs?
Stan: Cartman, there are no sigs in China.
Kyle: We need a warlord.
Warlord: Hiyee!
Stan: Warlord, what would you do if you saw a non-McQ sig with a BUAG in it?
Warlord: Now you kids shouldn't think of things like that. This is the one
         open forum for discussion where we all hope that sigs are limited
         to 80 columns by 4 rows.
Stan: Like that one up there?
[Warlord sees the big sig with it's BUAG and becomes angry]
Warlord: Takimatsuyokyuken!

>       0-={ RETROBOY }=-0
>Livin' in the PAST - and LOVIN' it!
>                     .-====-. 
>    .- <O> -.       / / '' \ \     ,-------.      .-=<>=-.
>   /_-\'''/-_\     | | X)(X | |    |,-----.|     /__----__\
>  |/  o) (o  \|     \ \    / /    /,'-----'.\   |/ (')(') \|
>   \   <_>   /  RIP--^^^^^^^^    {_/(') (')\_}   \   ()   /
>   ,>-_,,,_-<.       vvvvvvvv     `.   O   .'    ,'--__--'.
> /      .      \    /        \     /'-___-'\    /    :|    \
>(_)     .     (_)  /          \   /         \  (_)   :|   (_)
> \_-----'____--/  (_)        (_) (_)_______(_)   |___:|____|
>  \___________/     |________|     \_______/     |_________|
>"NO kitty! That's MY pot pie!"  -Cartman
>       0-={ RETROBOY }=-0
>Livin' in the PAST - and LOVIN' it!
>    .- <O> -.                      ,-------.      .-=<>=-.
>   /_-\'''/-_\                     |,-----.|     /__----__\
>  |/  o) (o  \|                   /,'-----'.\   |/ (')(') \|
>   \   <_>   /                   {_/(') (')\_}   \   ()   /
>   ,>-_,,,_-<.                    `.   O   .'    ,'--__--'.
> /      .      \     .-====-.      /'-___-'\    /    :|    \
>(_)     .     (_)  // / '' \ \    /         \  (_)   :|   (_)
> \_-----'____--/ /|| | X)(X | |  (_)_______(_)   |___:|____|
>  \___________/  |_\\_\____/_/     \_______/     |_________|
>"NO kitty! That's MY pot pie!"  -Cartman
Kyle: Oh my god! He killed Kenny!
Stan: You bastard!
Cartman: Run for it!

>       0-={ RETROBOY }=-0      So what does come into your bedroom at night...
>Livin' in the PAST - and LOVIN' it!          /  NOTHING!
>                                      ......8 8 O'
>"NO kitty! That's MY pot pie!"  -Cartman

------- end of forwarded message -------
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