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Ugly women smarter than attractive women?

Hm, the reasoning seems sound to me...

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From: [email protected] (Ian Rawlings)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban
Subject: Re: Folklore related to guys and girls meeting over the internet... Help!

On 6 Dec 1997 18:59:44 GMT,
H Gilmer <[email protected]> wrote:

> No matter how the request to the friend is phrased, it still
> translates into, "Hey, you're a lot uglier than me!" which is rather
> a rude thing to tell someone.

Unless, of course, the ugly friend suggested it in the first
place. This is quite likely as ugly women are usually more intelligent
that good-lookers, at least I assume this to be the case because ugly
women don't tell me to get lost at nightclubs.

Ian Rawlings - ** decode anti-spam address to contact me **
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