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Microsoft Shortens Name

-----Forwarded message from Ulf Zimmermann <[email protected]>-----

From: Ulf Zimmermann <[email protected]>
Subject: Moft (fwd)
To: [email protected]

----- Forwarded message from Rene Bormann -----

>From [email protected] Fri Dec  5 03:38:06 1997
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Date: Fri, 05 Dec 1997 12:34:02 -0100
From: Rene Bormann <[email protected]>
Organization: Bormann Consulting - digital media
X-Mailer: Mozilla 4.03 [en] (X11; I; SunOS 5.5.1 sun4m)
To: [email protected], "A.O.Loff" <[email protected]>,
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        Nils Goroll <[email protected]>,
        Olaf Cichocki <[email protected]>,
        "Steffen Wern?ry" <[email protected]>, Thomas Wieske <[email protected]>,
        Ulf Zimmermann <[email protected]>
Subject: Moft

-- Microsoft today announced that it will be changing its name to
"Moft" which will clear up space on users' hard disks.  It is estimated
that a typical Windows 95 installation contains about 2,842,597
iterations of the word "Microsoft", in copyright notices, end-user
licence agreements, 'About' screens, as well as several multi-megabyte
files containing nothing else
(the so-called ego.dll series), etc.  So, after the change, a user will
have about 14 MBytes more disk space. Stock prices of hard-disk
manufacturers dipped slightly after the announcement.  "Well, the
programs will take up less space on the user's disk," said Bill Gates,
CEO of Moft. "But we have never cared about that.  The change will allow

us to ship Windows 95 on 13 disks instead of 14, thus saving about $50
million a year in media costs.  We are alsoJ
looking at shortening the names of some of our software products; for
instance 'The Microsoft Exchange' may be changed to 'The Moft Pit'.
Gates denied that the move was because of problems with the alleged long

filename support in Win95 which still uses 8.3 filenames underneath.  He

did admit, however, that "MICROSO~1" did look a little ugly.  Gates
added that the junior programmer who discovered the potential savings
has been rewarded with a free copy of 'Moft Off for Moft Win 95'.

Gruss Rene

----- End of forwarded message from Rene Bormann -----

Ulf Zimmermann, 1525 Pacific Ave., Alameda, CA-94501, #: 510-769-2936
Alameda Networks, Inc. | http://www.Alameda.net  | Fax#: 510-521-5073
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