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OS User Stereotypes

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (Coach) wrote:

>In article <[email protected]>, Stoney Edwards
><[email protected]> wrote:
>> A Linux user:
>> I hate Microsoft.  They are closed, inferior, and unscrupulous.
>> I hope they are exposed for the incompetent morons that they are.
>> I support open standards, and the idea of freely available software,
>>   in the hopes that the technology will advance very quickly as a result.
>> UNIX is the one true operating system.  It's been proven many times.
>> There is nothing that I cannot do.
>> I will help you by pointing you to the proper information source.
>I tend to be dismayed when I find Linux folks who aren't eminently
>reasonable people.
>> An OS/2 user:
>> I hate Microsoft!  They stole the market with marketing hype.
>> I hope they are exposed for the incompetent morons that they are.
>> I support open standards, but I like commercial software.
>> UNIX is okay, but OS/2 is easier to configure.
>> There is very little that I cannot do.
>> I will help you by answering all of your questions using the most
>>   technically obscure terms I can.
>I'm tempted to think there's a touch of the Amiga fan in the OS/2 user as
>well, but I can't prove it because I don't actually know anybody who uses
>> A Windows95 user:
>> I love Microsoft!  <smewch!>  I also love AOL!  <smewchy-poo!!!!>
>> I hope they take over the world so that they can control my life.
>> 'Open'?... 'standard'?... Hey!... Jenny Jones is on TV!... WHEE!
>> Win95 is the one true operating system because Bill says so.
>> I only want to do what Bill tells me I can do.  [Baa-aa-aa-aa-aah!]
>> Don't bug me... I am in the middle of a game... try AOL!
>Now really. There are actually 95 users that are simply clueless or
>indifferent, not outright stupid.
>> A WindowsNT user:
>> I am aware of Microsoft's existence.  I am indifferent to them.
>> I could give a shit what they do.  I'm out to impress others with
>>   a lot of buzzword talk.
>> 'Open', 'standard', or 'free' means it sucks; money talks, BS walks.
>> WindowsNT is the one true operating system, because it is UNIX.
>> I have a powerful OS to use, because that's what it said on the box.
>> If you can't find out on your own, then you don't deserve help.
>NT folks are definitely a different breed of MicroZombie from 95 users.
>> A MacOS user:
>> MICROSOFT MUST FSCKING DIE!!!  They stole our GUI!!!
>What, and other OS fans don't say this too :-)
>> I could give a shit about 'open', 'standard', or 'free'...

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Viewers/Converters for common internet file formats at

I say to heck with Janet Reno [and the Justice Department]! - Steve
Ballmer, Vice President, Microsoft Corp., responding to the Department of
Justice lawsuit filed against Microsoft on October 20, 1997 (quoted at:

Attaboy Steve!  Use that rational though of yours to show 'em who's boss!

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