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Re: Angband email (fighting spam)

On 22 Oct 1997 01:39:30 GMT, in rec.games.roguelike.angband Shimpei
Yamashita <[email protected]> wrote:

>Darin Takemoto <[email protected]> writes:
>>In article <[email protected]>, jason barnes <[email protected]> wrote:
>>> Ben Harrison wrote:
>>> > I am now up to about 85% spam in my email...  :-(
>>> > 
>>> > --- Ben ---
>>>         JEASUS! That is a bit too much... Perhaps a new monster then
>>>         The novice spammer,Then a Master spammer, finally an Emperor 
>>> spammer!
>>Hmm, if Farmer Maggot can moan, and other uniques can insult, what
>>would the spammer's special attack be?  No, it's just too awful to
>Scamfraud, The Spammer King (Spam-colored 'Q')
>Once a human named Sanford Wallace, a life of greed, thievery and
>dishonesty reduced Scamfraud to its current form--a massive, pulsating
>form of animated spam, its colour a hideous shade of pink.  It knows
>no trust or honour, but only seeks to inundate mailboxes across the
>Internet in a futile attempt to satisfy its lust for wealth.  Flee its
>hunger!  This evil undead creature moves very erratically.  It is
>magical, casting spells which fake hacker breakins, forge headers,
>drain recipient's CPU resources, paralyze other ISPs, make bogus free
>speech arguments, summon con artists, summon porn peddlers, summon
>multi-level marketers, summon spammers, summon greater spammers,
>summon net.kooks, or summon lawyers.  It can pass through unsecured
>mail servers and pick up objects.  It is invisible.  It is cold
>blooded.  It is not detected by telepathy.  It takes quite a while to
>see intruders, which it may notice only after they take down its
>entire web site.  It can hit to spam, hit to spam, hit to spam, hit to
>spam, hit to spam, and hit to spam.  You feel an intense desire to
>kill this monster...
>Shimpei Yamashita                <http://www.patnet.caltech.edu/%7Eshimpei/>

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