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[alt.sysadmin.recovery] Re: An Esoteric Question

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From: [email protected] (Simon Slavin)
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Re: An Esoteric Question
Date: Fri, 03 Oct 1997 19:04:20 +0100

In article <[email protected]>,
[email protected] (Peter Gutmann) wrote:

> waltzing up to the checkout 
> counter with a bottle of syrup, some Nutella, chocolate sauce, and a 5kg bag 
> of dog biscuits, looking the 15-year-old checkout girl straight in the eye, 
> and announcing "It's for the sex games".

I particularly enjoyed a description in alt.folklore.urban of
someone shopping the day before trick-or-treat night.  They
bought a big bag of apples and a couple of packs of razor-blades
and made very sure everyone could see them making sure they had
the same number of each.

Simon Slavin -- Computer Contractor. | Oh, sorry, you neglected to
   http://www.hearsay.demon.co.uk    | mention above that the child
Check email address for spam-guard.  | was the antichrist. -- sharkey@
Junk email not welcome at this site. |    ee.mu.OZ.AU (Nicholas MOORE)
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