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[alt.sysadmin.recovery] Re: Seen in Texas...

I would have to assume that the gentleman with the hat is a golfer...

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Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
From: [email protected] (Paul Tomblin)
Subject: Re: Seen in Texas...
Reply-To: [email protected] (Paul Tomblin)

In a previous article, [email protected] (Mark Edwards) said:
>I was shopping at the grocery today, when I saw a man with a red hat,
>white letters spelling out the word PING.
>Being the nuisance that I can be, I had to ask him if this was so
>others would know he was up.
>Funny looks ensued.

No, you fool!  You're supposed to go up to him and say "I'm alive"
every time you see the hat.

Paul Tomblin ([email protected])  I don't buy from spammers.

"Once you have flown, you will walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been, there you long to return." -- Leonardo da Vinci.
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