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[alt.sysadmin.recovery] Re: Top ten reasons why being a sysadmin is better than being a surgeon

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From: [email protected] (Peter Gutmann)
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Re: Top ten reasons why being a sysadmin is better than being a surgeon
Date: 30 Aug 1997 17:39:58 GMT

Pete Bentley ([email protected]) writes:
>Folklore has it that a few years ago Sun was considering introducing
>compulsory drug tests and did an informal survey which showed
>that the people responsible for some of their best[0] products
>were regular LSD users, so they quietly shelved the testing idea[1].

An unnamed software company who were about to sign a contract to supply the US 
government were told that before they did this, they had to institute a 
corporate drug policy (this is apparently some condition for getting federal 
After some thought they produced the following policy:
  "If you bring drugs to work, you have to bring enough for everyone".
With their corporate drug policy in place, they went ahead and filled the 
[0] NMF.
[1] NMFE.
[2] Told to me by an unnamed person at an unnamed conference.
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