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Fwd: Re: Is hotmail now spam-mail?

Look, a new distributed denial-of-service attack!

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From: [email protected] (Thad Floryan)
Subject: Re: Is hotmail now spam-mail?
Newsgroups: ba.internet
Date: 21 Mar 2000 02:24:08 GMT
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

[email protected] (cliff) wrote:
| In article <[email protected]>, [email protected] says...
| >[...]
| After I read this post I remembered I had opened a hotmail account last Nov.
| or Dec. when I ordered a free Y2K update CD-rom from $soft and they required
| an E-Mail address. I have not used that address again and, in fact, never
| checked for mail from the original $soft order. After finally finding the
| signin password for this account I decided to log on and I had 146 messages.
| I did not even bother to see if they were all spam as nobody except $soft
| and hotmail($soft) had the address.
| This kind of agrees with your experience.
| Cliff

Hmmm, an interesting way to test this theory would be for EVERYONE to open
a Hotmail account and do nothing with/to the account except wait for all of
Hotmail's resources to become depleted with alleged self-generated spam.

One grain of rice on the 1st square, 2 on the 2nd, 4 on the 3rd, ...



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