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Fwd: New ISP model, was: Oh, look, we're dead again.....

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>Date: Tue, 07 Mar 2000 11:51:23 -0600
>To: [email protected]
>From: Allen Marsalis <[email protected]>
>Subject: New ISP model, was: Oh, look, we're dead again.....
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>At 06:55 PM 3/6/00 -0600, David Glynn wrote:
>I am strongly considering switching over to a new advanced and
>trendy ISP business model.  Which would you recommend?
>1)  FreeDialup.net
>    - User must simply wear a FreeDialup T-shirt at all times.
>      And even the T-shirt is free!  Limit 1 per user, extra
>      T-shirts are available for $39.95  In colder regions, an
>      optional FreeDialup jacket is available for only $99.95
>2)  FreeISDN.net
>    - User must agree never to watch TV, listen to radio,
>      or read newspapers or take in any other form of advertising
>      other than surf the net.  When driving, routes with
>      billboards must be avoided.
>3)  FreeADSL.net
>    - User must use the FreeADSL search engine exclusively.
>      Each resulting page is 5MB; 4999KB of high quality
>      streaming video that must be watched before getting the
>      1KB worth of results. (the carrot)
>4)  FreeT1.net
>    - User must refer 1000 new customers per month.
>5)  WePayU.net
>    - Users must agree to stay naked in front of the free
>      webcam that comes with the service.  Only eligible to
>      chosen applicants who meet a certain criteria.
>6)  FreeTrailerHome.net
>    - Sign a 45 year contract and receive a free single-wide
>      Trailer Home!
>7)  Topless.net
>    - Dialup Service is $39.95/mo.  Installation is $100.
>      Repairs: $100.  In home installations/repairs only.
>      Technicians are topless.  Service guaranteed to suck!
>Thanks in advance for any comments/suggestions...
>Send 'unsubscribe' in the body to '[email protected]' to leave.
>Eat sushi frequently.   [email protected] is the human contact address.

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