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The Story of Ping (fwd)

From: [email protected] (Mike Sphar)
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: The Story of Ping
Date: Sat, 25 Sep 1999 17:24:18 GMT

So I'm troubleshooting a network problem and I ping another host from my
Windows 2000 box, and after about half the packets get dropped, I get this

Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    Minimum = 330ms, Maximum =  701ms, Average =  257ms

Um...huh?  Is there some math trick I don't know about to make the average
less than the minimum?

Mike Sphar          http://mikey.sanjoseweb.com          [email protected]

 ... most SF writers are small blokes; they spent a lot of time grubbing
 around on the floor for old SF mags, not stretching up to the top shelf
 for pornography . . . As an aside, Douglas Adams is quite tall . . .
                                                       --  Terry Pratchett

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