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[[email protected]: fwd: Favorite Microsoft Quotes from 1997-98]

----- Forwarded message from Ed <[email protected]> -----
Date: Mon, 02 Mar 1998 17:51:17 -0800
To: [email protected]
From: Ed <[email protected]>
Subject: fwd: Favorite Microsoft Quotes from 1997-98

Some of these are really fightening, if you stop to think about them for
more than one second...

>yes, these are all real and i have the original emails sent by the people
>Don't follow my instructions.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I'm really sorry for the bad advice.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>If things go badly, just put them back.  They're in \windows\system.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>Well, I have to mea culpa again.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I misunderstood the information I was given.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I could make a 486/33 look like a Cray...
>-- NT Security mailing list
>Not an exploit.  You bypassed the system entirely 
>via direct physical access. That doesn't count.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>If you apply the non-128 version, you won't 
>be 128 bit anymore, if I recall correctly.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>Each day I receive about 50 messages from this 
>list about the moral implications of port scanning.
>-- Pete Morton, NT Security mailing list
>One of these days, we'll have to have you out behind 
>the woodshed for being such a rabble-rouser.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I don't know.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>Let me apologize -- I was a little too terse in my response.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I don't mind people bashing me and MS for what we do wrong.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>If it's a service then go to the service manager, select the service in
>question, select startup, then enable interact with the desktop.
>-- Michael Howard <[email protected]>
>It's just a rumor.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I personaly think that UNIX being unfriendly 
>is a myth spread by Microsoft.
>-- Lewis E. Wolfgang <[email protected]>
>It is ironic that, if we had not made networking, TCP, and a standard API
>to use them as an integral part of the OS, the Web might not be
>ubiquitous, because the ability to get on the web would be beyond the
>powers of most users, who would have to acquire and integrate all those
>things themselves.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>The worst part is: you can tell that they really believe it, that
>something isn't real/hasn't been invented until someone in Redmond
>implements it.
>-- NT Security mailing list
>I apologize for using the list's bandwidth.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>NT Security mailing list
>So you wanted to get access to the Internet. You called up an ISP, 
>they sent you a pile of diskettes via snail-mail, you installed them. 
>Takes about a week.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>It's time for me to apologize.
>-- Eric Fitzgerald <[email protected]>
>I apologize for distributing incorrect information.
>-- Eric Fitzgerald <[email protected]>
>MS-DOS is relatively screwed up to begin with, 
>and has few to no redeeming qualities.
>-- NT Security mailing list
>Yeah -- we love staying up all night providing patches that close off 
>each port, one by one, as smart crackers change which port they hit.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>You know what they say about the PR, 
>there's no such thing as bad publicity.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>That isn't how we're fixing it.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>You may accuse us of incompetence if you like.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>We can't seem to stop the DoS attacks.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>We deliberately and cynically make the smallest 
>band-aid fixes we can, just enough to convince 
>customers that the problem is fixed when it really isn't.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>That just isn't true.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>If it is incompetence, then it isn't just confined to us.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>Hmm, well we're hoping that once we get our COFFEE protocol running,
>we'll be able to control all the coffee makers in the world.
>-- Josh Cohen <[email protected]>
>We know what's best for you anyway.
>-- Josh Cohen <[email protected]>
>Dont assume that I'm an NT supporter.
>-- Josh Cohen <[email protected]>
>I'm a die hard Unix geek.
>-- Josh Cohen <[email protected]>
>My own personal goal for NT is for it to be 
>more interoperable with open systems like Unix.
>-- Josh Cohen <[email protected]>
>This is the first I've heard that 
>anyone felt that that was inadequate.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>You don't know what you are talking about.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>We will be issuing a hot-fix...
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I understand your gripe.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>It's true we haven't done anything yet for 
>Windows 95, but we have done a lot for Windows NT.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>I caught our network printer one night 
>last week trying to surf the web!
>--  Peter Unk, NT sysadmin
>Be a hero and point out how stupid MS is 
>for believing that obscurity equals security.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>It is always running after I reboot.
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>Have you reported it to [email protected]?
>-- Paul Leach <[email protected]>
>plenty more where that came from too....

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