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(fwd) [rec.models.rockets] Re: Urban Myths about Tracking (was Re: weight reduction (in

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From: nojunk@this_address.com (Mike Pearson <see .sig>)
Newsgroups: alt.humor.best-of-usenet
Subject: [rec.models.rockets] Re: Urban Myths about Tracking (was Re: weight reduction (in
Date: 23 Feb 1998 17:16:28 +0100
Message-ID: <[email protected]>

Subject: Re: Urban Myths about Tracking (was Re: weight reduction (in 
From: [email protected] (PeteAlway)
Newsgroups: rec.models.rockets

Me <[email protected]> wrote:
>PeteAlway wrote:
>> Ask my brother how much a chunk of clear red cedar (I think that was
>> the wood called for) costs.

>Peter, wouldn't it be easier if you asked? Just a thought?

No.  I'd have to log off, get out of my chair, walk nearly 20 feet to
the phone, bend all the way over to get out the address book from below
the phone, look him up, dial 11 numbers, stand around waiting while his
phone rings, and not even know that he was home.  Then I'd have to
exhale through my vocal cords, carefully modulating the most subtle
tension on a part of my body I can't even see, while simultaneously
moving dozens of muscles in my mouth to reconfigure it as a resonating
chamber in a fraction of a second dozens of times, then with my ear
mashed against the handset, carefully feel which of hundreds of
microscopic hairs in my chochlea, again something that I can't even
see, are being vibrated, and perform a frequency spectrum analysis every
fraction of a second to guess how he is configuring *his* mouth to
resonate, then parse this analysis into a meaningfull sentence, pick up
a pen that weighs *millions* of micrograms, translate the sentence into
a written language using no more than a three-pound, shapeless blob of
of protoplasm to do all the analysis and synthesis of information, then
continue the whole process to generate the pleasantries to ent the call,
set the phone handset back down within millimeters of its original
location to free up the line, get up *again*, walk over 10 feet back to
the computer, log on again, navigate back to newsgroups, and because I
had just read the last message in the thread, view the entire set of
over a thousand read r.m.r messages, find one on the relevant thread,
open the file, and type a response.  by this time I would cease to care.

Uh.  It was a rhetorical question.  My brother had told me a couple days
ago that the cost of the clear red cedar or whatever it was that Trip
Barber reccomended exceeded the whole estimated cost of the trackers.
Also he could only get it in much larger quantities, so he's doing a
club project of making several pairs of the things.

Peter "after all that work, I'm ready to go back to bed" Alway

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