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Re: A moral dilemma (fwd)

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From: [email protected] (Jay Hennigan)
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Re: A moral dilemma

On 16 Feb 1998 01:44:00 +0200, Kai Henningsen
<[email protected]> wrote:

:Urm. That reminds me too much of a book my father wrote. It starts when  
:some student finds some heavy deposit in his bank account without any idea  
:where it's coming from. Attempts to find that out are unsuccesfull ...

Ah, yes.  Many years ago I had a college buddy was positively anal about 
balancing his checking account.  Whenever I was near his bank, I'd make a 
random deposit of whatever pocket change I had to his account.  The bank 
had a drop-box.  The statement would arrive and he'd go positively ballistic 
arguing with his bank, insisting that he had not made that 78 cent deposit, 
demanding that they remove it, etc.  I don't think he ever figured it out. 

News Flash:  Microsoft acquires Electrolux, makes extensive design 
revisions.  Finally releases a product that doesn't suck.
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