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What did I do to deserve *this*?

O wise readers of mph-humor, what did I do to deserve *this*?

>From: "Heather Mathews (S&T Onsite)" <[email protected]>
>Subject: We like your site!
>Date: Tue, 13 Jan 1998 12:15:33 -0800
>(You received this mail because your site is being featured at
>My name is Heather, and I work for One Click Away, which is a guide to the
>We're pointing our readers to your site this week, and I thought I'd write
>to offer you the "Featured on One Click Away" badge. Of course, whether or
>not you decide to post our badge to your site, we'll still refer our readers
>your way.
>So if you're interested, just grab a badge from
>Heather Mathews
>One Click Away

Conveniently they don't say what page they are featuring, so I decided to
pay them a visit.  Their main page for "real browsers" (their opinion, not
mine) was non-functional with Java turned off, so I turned it back on.
This time Navigator crashed.  So I turned Java off and viewed the source,
and used that to select a link to a sub-page.  After going through an
interim page to get where I was going, Navigator crashed again.  I tried
again; Navigator crashed again.  I tried a different computer; it crashed
too.   This is the first site I have ever encountered that can consistently
make Navigator 4 crash when Java is off.

For those of you eager to try it on your own computer, the URL is:

But I still don't think this page has anything to do with the above email
message.  I assume they're talking about The Cross Platform Page, but I
want to know which copy of it they're choosing, because the main page has
the nice MSIE-detecting CGI and the mirror sites do not.

If you can find me on that site, let me know; I'm curious.  Perhaps
tomorrow I will try using one of the DECStations instead of a Mac (but
their front page still won't work, as Shockwave is not available for Unix!).

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
PGP key available at http://www.pobox.com/~ericb/eric/aboutme.html
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular/Cell Biology, Cornell University

I heard all these people start to clap when [Bill] Gates said browsers
should be free. Well, I think operating systems should be free.  -Jim
Barksdale, Netscape Communications

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