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Re: M$ Deadly Embrace

From: Dennis Peterson <[email protected]>

> Max wrote:
>>In comp.os.linux.advocacy Joe Ragosta <[email protected]> wrote:
>>: In article <[email protected]>, Max <max
>>@mamia.opsys.com> wrote:
>>:> Third party TP/IP stack vendors had carved out a nice market for themselves
>>:> after engaging in high-risk behavior to develop that market for Microsoft.
>>:> Bill'z Boyz said, "Vidi, Vici, Veni" and those third parties who had
>>:> relations with them died of a fatal Microsoft transmitted disease
(which now
>>:> appears to be communicable over the net).
>>: For the non-Latin readers here, the above is a bastardization of a quote
>>: from one of the Caesars. He said "Veni, Vedi, Vici" which translates as "I
>>: came, I saw, I conquered". The above version says "I saw, I conquered, I
>>: came". Rather appropriate, I think.
>>Clever boy. You got it!
>Veni, Vedi, Thunk - I came, I saw, I ran Win95, a 32-bit pretender.
> dp

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Cornell University

Up until now, it has seemed like the people who might be able to investigate Bill Gates have been more interested in having their picture taken with the richest man in America. And that is clearly changing very quickly now.
- Gerald Jenkins
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