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Apple announces increase in speed of light

Yes indeed, those innovative folks at Apple have come up with a way to
increase the speed of light.  Why, not too long ago, a 200 Mhz 604e was
billed by Apple as being "lightning fast."  Now, though, we have this blurb
about the obviously faster 300 MHz 604e on Apple's web page:

"The Power Macintosh 8600 features a lightning quick 250 or 300-MHz
RISC-based PowerPC 604e processor."

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Viewers/Converters for common internet file formats at

I heard all these people start to clap when [Bill] Gates said browsers
should be free. Well, I think operating systems should be free.  -Jim
Barksdale, Netscape Communications

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