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Re: The Ultimate musical LART, found (fwd)

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From: [email protected] (Brian Kantor)
Newsgroups: alt.sysadmin.recovery
Subject: Re: The Ultimate musical LART, found
Date: 12 Nov 1997 15:42:53 -0800

>... I've always wondered about the effect of playing a 
>recording of an hour or so of Hitler's speeches[0] to frighten people.

A local restaurant has a decor which is supposed to remind one of a WW1
farmhouse/bunker or the like.  I'm not old enough to remember that.
There are jolly old WW1-era music-hall ditties playing in the background.

Except in the men's toilet.  There you get to hear Winston Churchill's
greatest speeches.[1]  I suppose it's to reduce loitering.  There is
something incongruous about straining one's bowels whilst hearing grand
declarations of "this was their finest hour" and "blood sweat and tears"
and so on.

	- Brian

[1] yes, I think it's insulting too.  I *have* complained.
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Matthew Hunt <[email protected]> * Think locally, act globally.
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