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Re: Quit complaining about Microsoft, you whiners!

From: [email protected] (tomlinson)

> Ted White (nospam@nospam) wrote:
> : What did Microsoft ever do to you?  Thanks to you whiners
> : stirring up the Justice Department, my sizable investment
> : in Microsoft stock is in trouble!  I hope that you Microsoft
> : complainers are prepared to feed my family if your wishes
> : are fulfilled and Microsoft goes out of business.
> No problem!  Should Microsoft go out of business, my joy would be
> such that I would not mind feeding a family out of my pocket for
> the rest of my life.
> (Mind you, you'll have to get used to canned pork-and-beans and
> spaghetti, but it _will_ keep you fed.)
> -et
> --
> Ernest S. Tomlinson  |  http://www.ugcs.caltech.edu/~et
> -------------------------------------------------------
> "All that is not eternal, is eternally out of date."

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Cornell University

Microsoft now has the ability to virtually annihilate any competitive product it wants by bringing it into the next version of Windows. There's evidence that they are aggressively seeking to extend that monopoly to the Internet, and policy makers have to be concerned about it.  Congress has to strengthen the antitrust laws from time to time, and this could be one of those times. 
- Senator Orrin Hatch, R-Utah
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