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Re: "Do you know who I am?" Test UL? (fwd)

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From: [email protected] (John Payson)
Newsgroups: alt.folklore.urban
Subject: Re: "Do you know who I am?" Test UL?
Date: 5 Nov 1997 03:03:27 -0600

In article <[email protected]>, Ian A. York <[email protected]> wrote:
>From the AFU FAQ (available for your delectation at
>Fb.  Student cheats on exam, asks "do you know who I am?", jams paper in
>exam pile! ["Bluebook Legends" in TMP]

One math professor told me a different story about an unprepared student
*OF HIS* taking an exam.  The exam had five problems, and students were
told to do four of them.

The first page of the unprepared student's blue book was blank except for
a written "1".  The next was blank except for a "2".  The third was blank
except for a "3".  The fourth, however, was not:

  4.  Omit problem four.

The fifth, then, was blank except for the "5".

I don't know the name of the student involved, but the professor in question
specifically said it was one of his students.  So I don't know if that's a
useful data point, but at least I found it interesting...
 [email protected]    |  "Je crois que je ne vais jamais voir...  |   J\_/L
 John Payson         |   Un animal aussi beau qu'un chat."       |  ( o o )
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Matthew Hunt <[email protected]> * Think locally, act globally.
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