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Re: NT sucks to maintain... (was Re: Weakly speaking, Linux is NT)

> On Sun, 2 Nov 1997 19:16:30 GMT, <[email protected]> posted:
> >The only strength I can see for NT is that completely braindead
> >jungle monkeys can be taught to use it. 
> And that would be better phrased as "can be taught to *appear* to use it."
> There's a difference between that and actually knowing how to use it well.
> Braindead jungle monkeys won't have any concept of such things as:
> a) Organizing disk partitions in a logical fashion
> b) Actually understanding a backup and recovery procedure
> c) Setting up proper sets of shared resources
> Unix, in contrast with Windows NT, does not suffer fools gladly.  ("It
> *is* user friendly; it's just a little selective about its friends...")
> Not suffering fools gladly has the advantage that it means that it does
> not allow you to as easily put fools in charge of the LAN...

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Cornell University
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