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[comp.org.usenix] Re: LISA Costume Party

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From: Geoff Allen <[email protected]>
Newsgroups: comp.org.usenix
Subject: Re: LISA Costume Party
Date: 22 Oct 1997 08:09:28 -0700
Organization: Professional Unix Geek, Washington State University

> >Actually, it's "system command, computing equipment or
> >high-tech concept".
> /dev/null....

In an email brainstorming session with some folks here at Washington
State University, I was trying to come up with what to wear to the
costume party. In semi-desperation, I said I could always wear no
costume, and come as "man". Then I realized that I'd better clarify,
and added that "no costume" meant "street clothes" not "nude."

Another person in the conversation said, "No, because then you'd be

I then added that if I went nude to the costume party, I'd have to
figure out what would correspond to "ever-expanding white male gut."

The answer came from a third participant --- Emacs.


[Disclaimer: I use emacs.]

Geoff Allen, [email protected], <http://www.wsu.edu/~geoff/>

You have to have a catcher because if you don't you're likely to have
a lot of passed balls. -- Baseball wisdom from Casey Stengel
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