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Cool error message

>From Eudora after my PPP session got dropped:

"TCP/IP Error.  3.  The network failed (what this means is 'to be supplied
in a future version of the MacTCP documentation', fat lot of good that
does).  {tcp:349}"

Eric Bennett ( [email protected] ; http://www.pobox.com/~ericb )
Viewers/Converters for common internet file formats at

In the office market, once you get into Microsoft Office, it's a Roach
Motel.  Someone else controls the file formats in such a way that it's very
hard to get out.  In the media space, MPEG, AC3 Dolby, FireWire, all these
are external formats, not controlled by any of the players.  We have more
room, because no one is playing games with the formats. - Jean Louis
Gassee, CEO, Be Inc.

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