mph-humor List Information

mph-humor is a mailing list devoted to, of all things, humor. Unlike many other humor lists, however, this one is funny. If you don't think it is funny, then your sense of humor is obviously not up to snuff.

The mph-humor list concentrates on stupid and/or funny posings from Usenet, mostly of a geeky nature. That stupid thing that somebody forwarded you in mail that dates back five years is not welcome, because we have seen all of these things before.

mph-humor is an unmoderated list to which anyone may submit messages. You should submit entries to [email protected].

All are welcome to subscribe to mph-humor. To subscribe to mph-humor, send mail to [email protected] like this:

To: [email protected]
From: Your Name <userid@domain>
Subject: subscribe

subscribe mph-humor
To unsubscribe, send mail like this:
To: [email protected]
From: Your Name <userid@domain>
Subject: unsubscribe

unsubscribe mph-humor
If these directions were too complicated for you, you are not going to understand most of the humor anyway.

A digest of the list is also available. Subscribe or unsubscribe to mph-humor-digest instead of mph-humor. The digest is generated nightly.

An HTML archive of submissions is available on the WWW:

Search the archives. It is important to note that you must select which archives you would like to search!

There are currently subscribers to mph-humor and mph-humor-digest.

If you need to contact a human, send mail to Matthew Hunt <[email protected]>.

$Date: 2000/04/25 23:11:20 $
Matthew Hunt, [email protected]
Go back to my personal index.